New Reflections Technical Institute

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The Culinary Prodigy: Why Chef Jamar Griddine is the Future of Culinary Arts at New Reflections Culinary Institute


At New Reflections Culinary Institute, we pride ourselves on being a breeding ground for the culinary talents of tomorrow. Today, we are beyond thrilled to announce our collaboration with Chef Jamar Griddine—a true culinary virtuoso who is as inspirational as he is talented. With his unrivaled passion for cooking and an extraordinary life journey, Chef Jamar embodies everything that New Reflections stands for. In this blog post, we'll take you through Chef Jamar’s incredible story and tell you why he is the perfect mentor for our upcoming students.

Meet Chef Jamar Griddine: The Man Behind the Apron

Born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri, Jamar Griddine is not your average 23-year-old chef. His culinary journey began with baking alongside his mother, eventually leading him to study at Herndon Career Center during high school. Now, with multiple awards, TV interviews, articles, and a Yahoo! Finance accolade as the 'No. 1 person to follow in 2020', Chef Jamar is a force to be reckoned with.

The Mission: More Than Just Food

What sets Chef Jamar apart from his contemporaries is not just his remarkable skill in the kitchen, but also his mission: to be the voice for any generation that needs to be heard. Through his cooking, Jamar aims to provide what he believes is the key to life and any dish—Unconditional Love. "Create the outcome, create the opportunity, and create the moment you desire," he says. Chef Jamar not only satisfies your palate but also your soul.

Let’s Talk Food: A Cooking Show for Kids

Understanding the importance of mentorship and education, Chef Jamar hosts 'Let's Talk Food,' a cooking show specifically designed for kids. This platform allows Jamar to connect with his young audience and show them that with passion and skill, they can accomplish anything. A mentor at heart, Chef Jamar extends his influence beyond the confines of the kitchen, inspiring the next generation to achieve their dreams.

A Testimony of Resilience

His unwavering spirit was not developed overnight. At the age of 17, Chef Jamar faced a life-changing car accident right after the funeral of his cousin. It was a moment that fortified his belief in divine purpose. "God’s got more work for me to do and more lives to touch," he asserts. His word for this year is perseverance—apt for someone who has turned trials into triumphs.

Why New Reflections?

As we embark on this new chapter at New Reflections Culinary Institute, we see Chef Jamar as an integral part of our mission to offer unparalleled culinary education. His dedication to his craft and his desire to impact the lives of our students resonate deeply with our institutional values. By bringing Chef Jamar on board, we are not just adding a new faculty member; we are adding a role model, a mentor, and a life coach.

What Awaits You at New Reflections

When you apply to New Reflections, you're not just signing up for a culinary course; you're opening the door to an experience that will shape your personal and professional life. Under the guidance of Chef Jamar, you will learn the art of cooking, the essence of mentorship, and the true meaning of perseverance.

Takeaway: Be Part of the Revolution

In Chef Jamar's own words, "Don't be afraid to show the world your light. We need more bright stars in this world." If you're an aspiring chef looking for a holistic culinary experience, look no further. Apply now and grab the opportunity to be mentored by one of the brightest stars in the culinary world—Chef Jamar Griddine.

Contact Information

To reach out to Chef Jamar, follow him on his social channels:

  • Instagram: @chefjamarg

  • YouTube: Lets’ Talk Food

For admissions and more details about our programs, visit the New Reflections Culinary Institute website or contact our admissions office.

Seize this golden opportunity to turn your culinary dreams into reality, and join us in making history at New Reflections Culinary Institute. We look forward to having you as a part of our family.

Apply Now!